Obtaining Documentation and Policy Information Post Sale
There are two primary functions available with regards to obtaining policy documents. The first endpoint, GetBuildingsAndContentsDocument will respond with a list of the documents (document keys) that are available for a given policy. It is important to note that the availability of some documents is tied to the application status of the policy. For example, if the policy is still in quote/comparison status the available documents are our policy wording and IPID as these are static documents that don’t require explicit mention of the policy cover levels. A useful shortcut is to store these documents locally and serve them up where needed and only retrieve the others post application. If you are only concerned with the client’s access to these documents post sale, we will email and post a copy to them irrespective of whether you serve them to the client or not.
The second endpoint, GetBuildingsAndContentsDocuments when called with a quote reference and document key will respond with the corresponding document for the referenced quote. Alternatively, you can use the document key ”documentpack” to download a zip file of all documents.