Having Uinsure Handle the Sale (CIMA)

The preferred route for most partners is for Uinsure to manage the General Insurance for the user. To do this we have a sophisticated communications engine called CIMA (Customer Interaction Management Application) this system will take in customer data, risk data and transaction event/milestone data understand the type of customer, where they are in their particular transaction and communicate with them effectively.

The communications are highly personalised, contain a binding quote and have the ability for the customer to purchase their policy digitally or through calling one of our specialised agents.

Making use of this service is very simple, there are two primary endpoints. The first is used to submit us customer and risk data. Following which you will need to submit us milestone/event data on the progress of that transaction, we can then feed that into CIMA and combine the two.

Submitting customer and risk data has two options

  1. Using our GetReferAndEarn endpoint to submit leads
  2. Using our SFTP to submit leads – Please refer to i2.0 Bulk Lead Template.

Submitting milestone/event data has two options

  1. Using our Milestone API
  2. Using our SFTP to submit leads – Please refer to i2.0 Milestone Template.

GetReferAndEarn – Ask Uinsure to make the sale on my behalf

Making use of the /re endpoint to submit customer and risk data is straight forward

There are two primary types of ‘referral’ leads that you can create. These are stipulated by the ‘LeadType’ parameter (see data dictionary for detail). The first is a traditional referral where we will follow a traditional approach of calling the customer and helping to arrange their home insurance. This method is primarily used when there are no milestones available and offers a reduced commission rate due to the cost that we incur in out bounding these leads. The service is called Refer and Earn.

The other which is our preferred method can be accessed using a ‘LeadType’ of ‘Mortgage’. There are a maximum of 7 milestones that you can pass us. Briefly these are:

Mortgage Milestones

To further simplify things, we have combined both the BTL/Landlords and Home Insurance products under the same endpoint, customers can be differentiated through using the “PolicyType” parameter. Simply these are split as follows:


Finally, using the “CustomerType” parameter will enable us to segment the customers into the correct contact strategy. These break down as follows:


The flow is the same as the comparison endpoint, in that you will receive a reference number as a response. This again can be used to retrieve information on the referral. The reference should also be stored as it is used on our side to reconcile the milestones and the customer data provided below.


"APIKey": "{{api_key}}",
"Client": {
"Title": "Mr",
"Forenames": "Cameron",
"Surname": "Parsons",
"DateOfBirth": "1994-04-08 00:00:00",
"TelephoneNumber": "07736309635",
"EmailAddress": "cam.parsons@uinsure.co.uk"
"CorrepsondenceAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "9 Grange Road",
"AddressLine2": "Sale",
"AddressLine3": "Cheshire",
"AddressLine4": "AddressLine4",
"Postcode": "M33 6RZ"
"RiskAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "9 Grange Road",
"AddressLine2": "Sale",
"AddressLine3": "Cheshire",
"AddressLine4": "AddressLine4",
"Postcode": "M33 6RZ"
"PropertyType": "DetachedHouse",
"NumberOfBedrooms": 2,
"YearBuilt": 2000,
"QuoteDetails": "Plain text providing additional quote information",
"Source": "Source of the API call for example L&C - Factfind",
"LCRef": "your own internal customer or case ID",
"CustomerType": "Mortgage",
"PolicyType": "HomeInsurance",
"DigitalOnly": "false" // To be used if you would like us not to outbound the customer.


"QuoteReference": "ULC0015215"

Sending Milestone/Event Triggers

There are two options to pass us milestone/events.

The first is to use our SFTP and drop a populated version of the attached template into it as frequently as possible, no less than weekly but ideally daily.

Alternatively, you can use our milestone API.

There are two-ways to update records, either in bulk or individually.

Both endpoints follow a very similar structure with the only 2 differences in structure being that you pass the policy reference parameter in the URL instead of the body and the API key in the header for the bulk request.

Updating Records Individually



"APIKey": "{{api_key}}",
"LeadStatus": "Offer",
"ReferrerId": 0,
"TimeStamp": "2021-11-15T15:01:26.134Z"


"LeadStatus": "Offer",
"ReferrerId": 0,
"TimeStamp": "2021-11-15T15:01:26.134+00:00"

The lead status in the response correlate to the status ID’s listed in the data dictionary. It is largely irrelevant as the success message will assist in identifying the status of the milestone update request. There is a soft 100 records limit to the bulk update request.

Updating records in bulk




Tailoring and Purchasing through our Adviser Platform – I as the adviser would like to make the sale myself.

Using the reference to call the GetBuildingsAndContentsDirectURL which will return a URL that can be used to seamlessly authenticate the user and direct them to the quote results screen in our platform enabling the broker to complete the tailoring and purchase of the policy.


"DirectURL": "https://quotes.test.uinsure.co.uk/code/RnlINjR4eDIrZ01uK3JnVkUzNnpUNXBXck9JbWdLbkg1dlRz
"ExpiryDateTime": "/Date(1614165544950-0000)/"

Once the user has been handed to our quote results screen, they will be able to make several amendments to the policy cover levels. Each amendment that is made will generate a new Uinsure reference. Meaning that the subsequent calls made to retrieve any details of the initially generated quote using the reference generated in the first call will now be out of date. However, calling the GetQuotes endpoint with the initially provided ‘IntegratorReferenceID’ will return all newly created variants of the initial quote as we will port the ID in session and attach it to the any amended versions. If you then select and store the latest Uinsure reference and use that in all subsequent calls you will always have the latest version, inclusive of all amendments made by the advisor in our system.

Request - Create Quote using integrator ref


"DateOfBirth":"1994-04-08 00:00:00",
"AddressLine1":"9 Grange Road",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"AddressLine1":"9 Grange Road",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"

Response - Initial Uinsure Reference

"QuoteReference": "UINH0109863"

Request - Quote list

"APIKey": "{{api_key}}",
"PageSize": "100",
"PageNumber": "1",


"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"
"QuoteType":"Buildings And Contents",
"ApplicantSummary":"Mr API Test",
"BrokerName":"Russell Sheffield",
"Postcode":"M33 6RZ"